Fruits you might Stop Eating for Better Health

When it comes to healthy eating, fruits are often at the top of the list. After all, they’re an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Most recommendations suggest that we eat at least one serving of fruit each day. With so much focus on fruits as being an essential part of a healthy diet, it can be easy to overlook some common pitfalls. Even though most fruits are packed with nutrients and antioxidants, there are several that should be eaten in moderation or even avoided altogether. Here is a list of unhealthier fruits to avoid:


Much like other fruits, bananas are loaded with essential vitamins and minerals. They also have a good amount of fibre. Even though bananas are healthy, they are relatively high in sugar. They are the top source of fructose in the American diet. Therefore, you may want to avoid eating bananas if you are trying to watch your blood sugar levels. Because it’s so high in sugar, many nutritionists also recommend avoiding bananas if you are trying to lose weight. This is especially true if you are trying to lose belly fat. Eating too many sugary foods, including bananas, can lead to weight gain which can increase your risk for many chronic diseases.


Grapes are one of the most popular fruits. They are available in many different forms and can be found in many different products, including juices, jams, and wine. Grapes come with a wide range of health benefits. They are high in polyphenol, which is a type of antioxidant. Antioxidants are important because they can help reduce your risk of several different diseases, including heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes. Grapes, however, also contain significant amounts of sugar. Therefore, you should eat them in moderation. Experts recommend consuming 14 grams of sugar per day, which is less than what is typically found in a single serving of grapes.


Oranges are another fruit that’s often included on a list of unhealthier fruits to avoid. Although they are high in vitamin C, other nutrients, and antioxidants, they also contain a significant amount of sugar. Oranges are also relatively high in carbohydrates, which can cause blood sugar levels to spike. This can be a problem for people who are watching their weight or have diabetes or metabolic disorders. Although oranges aren’t necessarily unhealthy, they are not a good choice for everyone.

Bottled Fruit Juice

Fruit juice is another fruit that’s often on the list of unhealthier fruits to avoid. There are a variety of reasons for this. First, most fruit juices have a high amount of sugar. This is especially true for bottled fruit juices, which contain more sugar per serving than a can of soda. Because fruit juice is high in sugar, it can cause your blood sugar levels to spike. This can lead to increased hunger and cravings, as well as weight gain. Drinking fruit juice is credited with significantly increasing the number of calories people consume each day. Because fruit juice is so sugary, it’s also better to avoid it if you are trying to improve your health. Drinking juice instead of eating whole fruits is not an advantage. It’s better to eat whole fruits because you’ll get more fibre and nutrients.

Canned Fruit

Canned fruit is another common fruit that’s listed among the unhealthier fruits to avoid. This is mainly because canned fruit is often loaded with added sugar. Canned fruit is generally high in added sugar because it’s processed. This means that it’s been heated and has lost many of its nutrients. The high sugar content of canned fruit is also likely because it isn’t in its natural state. In general, it’s better to eat fresh fruit than canned fruit. Fresh fruit is more nutritious, lower in sugar, and doesn’t have added preservatives.

Dried Fruit

Dried fruit is another fruit that’s listed among the unhealthier fruits to avoid. The main reason for this is that dried fruits are often high in sugar. Dried fruits are generally dried at high temperatures, which destroy their nutrients and antioxidants. They are also often treated with chemicals, which makes them less healthful. Because dried fruits are so sugary, it’s easy to consume too much sugar at once. This can cause your blood sugar levels to spike and lead to unwanted weight gain. Dried fruits are often better when they are in their natural state. Fresh fruits are generally more nutritious and contain more fibre.


Fruits are a nutrient-dense, convenient and pleasurable part of any diet. However, not all fruits are created equal. There are several fruits that are best consumed in moderation or avoided altogether. Bananas, grapes, oranges, bottled fruit juice, canned fruit, dried fruit, and even drinking fruit juice can be bad for you. Blaming fruits for the obesity epidemic is like blaming spoons for obesity. A spoon will always be a spoon and a fruit will always be a fruit. Now that you know which fruits to avoid, you can make smarter choices and eat healthier.