Common Health Concerns for Women

Middle age might seem like a happy time to settle down and focus on family, friends and hobbies. But it’s also the decade when your body undergoes big changes and not just the ones you see in the mirror. If you’re over 40, you’ll probably notice that your hair is starting to recede, your skin gets blotchier and acne appears more often, you have trouble keeping up with your kids (or grandkids), and even something as small as sneezing makes you feel old! There are some great things about reaching this milestone. You know yourself better than ever before, you’re financially secure in most cases, and perhaps most importantly of all you have more control over your own life.

Managing Weight

If you’re over 40, you’ve probably noticed that it’s getting harder to maintain a healthy weight. This is large because as you start age, you start to lose muscle mass. This is because your metabolism slows down as you get older, meaning that your body has to burn fewer calories. As a result, you’ll have to cut back on portion sizes and increase your physical activity to avoid gaining weight. If you’re struggling to meet your goals, consider consulting a nutritionist. They can help you to develop a healthy eating plan that fits your lifestyle. You should also make sure you’re not taking any medications that might cause weight gain. If you’re already overweight, you should take action before reaching middle age. This is the decade when health problems associated with being overweight often begin to emerge. If you are struggling with your weight, try tracking your calories and exercising more.

Exercise and Movement

As you get older, you lose muscle mass more quickly than you did when you were younger. This is why you’ll probably notice that you’re not able to recover as quickly after a workout as you used to. To counteract this, you’ll have to increase the intensity of your workouts or the amount of time you spend exercising. Another common complaint among women over 40 is the loss of flexibility. This is caused by the hardening of the joints and a decrease in the range of motion of your spine. To counteract this, try stretching more often and taking your stretching regime to the next level. Resistance training is also a great way to maintain your strength and avoid injury when exercising.

Vision Loss in Middle Age

You’ll probably notice that it’s getting harder to read the small print and do close-up tasks like applying makeup. This is because your eyes start to lose muscle mass as you age, which means they don’t open as wide or focus as well as they used to. To counteract this, make sure you’re wearing your glasses or contact lenses as prescribed by your eye doctor and have your eyes checked every two years. You should also make sure you’re doing eye exercises. If you experience a sudden loss of vision or you see flashes or floaters in your field of vision, call your doctor right away. These could be signs of an impending eye problem or stroke.

Hearing Loss in Midlife

If you’re frequently struggling to hear your partner or children, you could be developing hearing problems. This is particularly common among women over 40 because of hormonal changes and the fact that most women tend to be in better health than men of the same age. To counteract this, you should get your hearing checked and use hearing aids if you need them. Try to avoid noisy environments, wear earplugs when you can, and take frequent breaks from auditory tasks to give your ears a rest.

Musculoskeletal Concerns

As you age, you’ll probably notice that your joints are aching and stiffer than they used to be. This is a sign of osteoarthritis, which is particularly common among women over 40 because of hormonal changes and a decrease in oestrogen production. To counteract this, try to avoid tasks that put pressure on your joints and exercise frequently. If you have knee or hip pain, ask your doctor about prescription-strength knee or hip support. You can also try to strengthen your muscles with resistance training.

Digestive Issues

As you get older, you’re more likely to experience digestive issues like bloating, acid reflux and constipation. This is because you’re probably taking more medication than you used to, and certain medicines can cause gastrointestinal issues. To counteract this, try eating smaller meals more frequently, making sure you’re taking your medications with food, and adopting an overall healthier lifestyle. You should also make sure you’re drinking plenty of water and eating plenty of fibre-rich foods to stay regular.


As you approach middle age, you might notice that your body is changing in ways you didn’t expect. This is because your metabolism slows down as you get older, which means it has to burn fewer calories and makes it harder to maintain a healthy weight. You should also make sure you’re exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet to stay healthy as you get older.